Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gun Violence and its Effects - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2630 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/03/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Violence Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Gun violence has had a highly negative impact in America, and has had an even greater impact on cities, communities, and individuals. The rising violent actions with guns have caused an increase of fear and deaths nationwide. My research shows the effects that gun violence has on the community and the people. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gun Violence and its Effects" essay for you Create order One does not have to be older in years to be affected by the violence around them nor to detect it. Teens all around California answer the questions: Should stricter gun laws be put into place? Have you or anyone you know every been affected by gun violence? Do you know what steps to take to put stricter gun laws into place?, and had a consensus throughout all of the questions. Gun violence is created when people commit crimes with a use of gun and hurt others. There appears to be a variety of steps one can take for the diminishment of gun violence. Keywords: guns, violence, shots, death, injuries, California, Salinas, America Gun Violence and its Effects In Salinas, California, USA, and all around the world, gun violence has taken a toll on the daily lives of everyday people. Nobody is safe, no matter where he or she goes because gun violence can follow people into the most unsuspecting places. Even in dangerous neighborhoods, schools are thought to be one of the safest places for a person to be, especially during school hours. Every hour on school grounds there seems to be more than 2,000 confrontations that once ended with scratches and bruises that are now resulting in gunshot wounds and even death (Farrington, 1998). Gun violence can lead to drastic changes for individuals and even whole cities at any given time. It can ruin the reputation of some cities; to give an example, in Salinas, many people think the farther one goes into Salinas the higher the chances are for one to get shot (Goode. 2012). The National Steinbeck Center, John Steinbecks House, Natividad Creek Park, and Bankers Casino are some places in Salinas that are a must see, but many people do not get to visit them due to fear of the citys reputation. Economic development can also decrease when a citys reputation is all about violence. Gun violence can lead to the loss of lives resembling jail time or death. A man named Brad Azcona is losing the ability to live his life to a life sentence in prison because he tried to end the life of four people, in which he succeeded in two of those attempts (Ruben, 2018). Gun violence leads to the loss of opportunity, life, money and so much more. It can affect a whole city as much as it can affect one person. Discussion of Research The rapid growth of gun violence leaves drastic numbers that show the negative outcome it leads to. Thousands are killed yearly, be it intentional or not, and this has a grand effect on mental health issues, money problems, and the feeling of safety disappearing in homes and communities. Gun violence can change the way individuals feel and think, and these individuals can make up a community with integrated fears and unnecessary measures that have to be taken to feel somewhat safe. The gun to citizen ratio is also on the rise and the United States has a higher level of personal gun ownership when compared to other developed countries worldwide (Webster, pg. 5). Salinas is a prime example of a city in the need and want for help. The teens in Salinas have grown up with gun violence and want to take actions towards ending it because it has affected them at some point in their lives or they just do not want it to affect them or someone they know. Death Due to Gun Violence Gun violence is one of the top contributors for teen and child injuries and deaths in the United States. The statistics show that this type of violence rarely diminishes, instead it seems to be increasing drastically over the last few years due to guns being used in an unsafe and unethical way. An average of 124,760 people in America are shot in one year, but out of those 124,760 people, only around 89,620 of them survive. Around 17,207 children, aged from zero to 19 years old, are shot in the United States more than half survive and less than a 5th of the children have fatal injuries. Gun violence results in a loss of many lives daily and even greater one yearly in America. These rising stats also show an average of 7 out of 39 children are s hot and die daily in the U.S. and the average amount of people shot in one day is around 340 (Brady Campaign, n.d.). Not all gun-related deaths are intentional, to give an example, Azahel Cruz, 6, was getting ready for bed when he was shot and killed by a stray bullet that entered his East Salinas home in March 2015 (Goode, 2012). Many gun-related deaths are intentional and usually results of gang and domestic violence, suicides, and mental and emotional instabilities. These intentional deaths and injuries can be prevented and lessened if people took appropriate action and preventive measures to stop the deadly firearms from getting into the wrong hands. Effects on Students Many young adults and teens from 8th grade to college from the Monterey Bay county feel that gun violence has affected their lives or the lives of someone they know. In a self-administered survey of 76 teenagers and young adults in California showed that around 40% of the survey takers had experienced or knew someone that experienced gun violence (Appendix A). Almost 90% of the teens and young adults also believe those who want to own a gun should go through more procedures to gain that ability (Appendix B). Many of the teens and young adults want there to be more procedures for becoming a gun owner, but only around 60% of the teens know what steps are needed to make it harder to obtain a gun (Appendix C). There seems to be a various amount of reasons why stricter gun laws are n ot in place, and according to our survey takers People rather turn a blind eye to it and pretend like it doesnt affect them or doesnt even exist (Appendix D). A poll of 2,000 teens showed 1 in 8 teens have carried a gun for protection, 1 in 9 have cut classes or stayed at home due to fear of gun violence, 1 in 5 change their friendships to find safer ones, and almost half of them said they had made a change in their daily lives to avoid crime or violence. The teens rather avoid certain places, take different routes, change their friends, and go out of their way to avoid being caught in harms way (Farrington, 1998). Effects on Communities Communities can have culture, exciting sights to see, and anything one can imagine, but none of that matters if the community is feared by people for having a negative fame brought upon it with guns, deaths, and injuries. In 2009, Salinas had 29 homicides and 151 shootings, in 2010, there were 15 homicides, and in 2011 there were 12 homicides and 50 shootings which were an all-time low form the last decade. This lowering stats were a product of the city of Salinas plan to reduce violence in the whole country. The cutting of funds led to this program being cut, but new programs, that were more cost-efficient, were being created to try and reduce violence with the lower budget given (Goode, 2012). Once gun violence has become a daily, people start to lose the fear they once had of it and become desensitized to all of the police sirens and gunshots they hear. Violence, death, and injuries become a norm in the citizens daily lives and once this happens they forget their community ever ha d a problem. Community Stories Salinas is a place where violence can appear as a reoccurring issue for the city. This is why, it has so many bloody landmarks like the memorial of Enrique Sosa, Carlos Robles, and Moises Sanchez (Goode, 2012). The first homicide victim of this year was named, Enrique Sosa, also known as Kiki, who was a freshman at Everett Alvarez High School. He was shot by the inhabitants of a dark SUV on 7 January 2018, around 6:30 pm. The system ShotSpotter that detects gunshots led SPD to the crime scene where the paramedics later arrived and took Sosa to Natividad Medical Center. His gunshot wounds were fatal and he passed later that day in the hospital (Rubin, 2018). In the year of 2015, a 25-year-old man named Brad Azcona murdered two victims with fatal gunshot wounds in the month of September. Azcona shot at a man, who received injuries to his arm, 13 times in which the neighbors houses were struck with the bullets. Later, on 8 September 2015, Azcona shot Mois es Sanchez, 18, who was the driver of the vehicle, in the head and Carlos Robles, 16, who was the passenger and left them both with deadly gunshot wounds. Around two weeks after the deaths of Sanchez and Robles, Azcona was caught by surveillance footage trying to steal a mans tablet and pistol-whipping him after refusing to give him the tablet. Azcona was caught on 8 October 2015, after a twelve-hour standoff in a Salinas home against the SPD: He was charged with two counts of 1st degree murder, two counts of attempted murder, assault with a firearm, attempted robbery, negligent discharge of a firearm, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. The jury also found true a special circumstance that Azcona committed multiple murders (Wright, Par 2, 2018). Azcona was sentenced to many life sentences without the possibility of parole, 28 years, and four months in prison. (Wright, 2018) Personal Bias This topic caught my interest because even though I have never seen a gun up close in real life, I lost a long time family friend to gun violence. My friends name was Enrique Sosa and his life was taken away by force with the fatal gunshot wounds given to him at the beginning of this year. Salinas is my hometown, and I grew up in a relatively safe and quiet part of Salinas. There appears to be many places in Salinas that are more dangerous than others, and I wanted to hear the opinion other Salinas residents my age had. My survey revealed that we all had similar opinions and thoughts because we want our hometown to be safe and welcoming unlike it is now. Salinas is known as one of the most dangerous cities in the Monterey Bay Area and its climbing crime rates are no help. Gun violence is a big issue in Salinas just like gang violence is. Gangs use other forms of weapons, but one of the top choices are guns. Many innocent lives are lost yearly and daily due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Drive-bys kill many innocent people a year and injure many more. I wanted to research more on this subject to better understand my community and why we have so many issues. The research has opened my eyes to see everything from a different viewpoint. Before my friends death, I had never experienced gun violence, and I thought it was because I lived in a safe part of Salinas, when in reality anything can happen to anyone, no matter who or where you are. Implications for Future This issue has no easy fix, but there are steps one can take to help and put a start to the end of gun violence. There appears to be many precautions schools, businesses, and homeowners can take to prevent it from happening in their own building. Schools and businesses can have metal detectors at the entrances when entering the schools to ensure no weapons enter school grounds, and if a student or staff member shows certain signs such as isolation, family problems, having no ethics, weapon obsessions, standoffish manner, and showing no remorse, then they should be reported and dealt with right away to avoid people getting injured. Homeowners can also take many actions to avoid gun violence. To give an example, they can choose to not own a gun and if they do own a gun make sure everyone in the house knows how and when to appropriately use it and that everyone is mentally and emotionally stable. If there appears to be guns in the house make sure they are secured and not easily accessed by just anyone. Everyone and every place should have security cameras and always have at least two people lookin g at them to ensure nothing dangerous is going to happen or is happening. In Salinas, we can call our local representatives and tell them to pass legislation in Congress to ban assault weapons from getting onto our streets and we can vote for leaders that support gun regulations. Reflection This research has helped me understand my community in a more profound way. Gun violence affects my whole city, Salinas, and more people than just myself believe more gun laws should be created to keep us safer. I should have focused more on the aspect of solving the issues, the way people feel and think about gun violence, and avoided going down the path of the past stories. The past stories are a place to learn on how to put a stop to gun violence and to see how the community and people were affected, but not everyone related to the stories of the communities because it may have not affected them at all or they might have not even known about them. I also should have learned more in the aspects of creating awareness about gun violence. There are marches, speeches, and posters, but there seems to not be enough rallies about gun violence with intriguing activities for all ages. I should have found a solution to involve all people of all ages and genders, and just because it is a guy thing to talk and deal with guns, it does not mean the women in the communities should not take a stand nor the young adults and teens because they are looked at as unwise. Humans are made to look out for danger, from a young age one can detect where the danger is and where it is coming from. Survey I also surveyed students from 8th grade through college in California, and we all had similar viewpoints towards gun violence in our communities. I should have created another survey in which I sent out the question Would you like to get involved in taking a stand against gun violence? in which I later would send them an email on the laws they should vote on and a great way to get involved with their community and assist in the minimization of gun violence in their communities. The survey was a great success in seeing the opinions of other my age, and even though we are considered young, our communities still profoundly impact our lives and we want and need a say on what happens around us, our friends, and family. Dead-Ends The dead-end paths I went down where focusing on what gun violence is and how many it affected instead of what is causing it. I should have broadened my research to answer What are some solutions everyday people can take to get involved in to minimize the amount of gun violence in their neighborhoods?. I focused more on bring peoples attention to events that have already happened where I should have been ta lking about future events, so they could get involved and interact with their community and make it a safer one. It is good to hear the past stories to learn from history, but we need to see towards the future to find ways to change the negatives and take action with slow but steady steps.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Oppression of Women in Victorian Society Essay - 2174 Words

How would you like it ladies if you were told that your only place in this world was in the home, or that as you were born a woman you were already given the career of marriage? There would be no way out of it, no hope of changing and becoming something new and exciting, you were stuck in this position and either you made the best of it or died trying to revolt. Women held no rights. They were forced to be robots, performing only for the men they had to seek marriage to. The only jobs that women were allowed to hold was that of motherhood, they were not allowed to speak unless spoken to and certainly were not expected to have personal opinion. It was not until the start of the Womens Liberation Movement in the late 1960s and early†¦show more content†¦Women were only there for men, and the most important aspect of that was marriage. From the time they were young they were set to be beautiful, because only the pretty girls got the richest man. The girls were groomed and basic ally put on show like a common day racehorse. In addition to being good-looking, a young girl was expected to be able to sing, play an instrument and speak French and Italian. They needed to be gentle, innocent and ignorant of their intellectual opinions. Women in the Victorian society were meant to be weak, helpless, fragile and unable to think for themselves. There only job was to make sure the home was comfortable for the children and the man of the house. Her one use to the world was to produce a large family and a neutral and calm family atmosphere. In those times the man was the moneymaker and the woman was there to keep the house clean and tranquil. Men also held no respect for their wives with the evidence being mistresses. Many men kept mistresses and in the end still expected their wives to be faithful even though they were cheating on them the whole time. It was a hypocritical aspect of the Victorian ages, men were allowed and even praised for being unfaithful while women were ostracized for it. A woman could not hold property in her name, even if she inherited that property from her family it was still in sole possession of her husband.Show MoreRelatedJane Eyre Character Analysis1402 Words   |  6 Pagesperceived by society, as they are both treated unfairly and are seemingly undesirable and disregarded. Looked down upon by society, they are made to feel suppressed and as if their thoughts do not matter. Such feelings of oppression seem to drive both Jane and Bertha to madness; Bertha seems to embody the inner rage that Jane tries to control within herself throughout the novel. 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Aviation Industry Essay Research Paper THE AVIATION free essay sample

Aviation Industry Essay, Research Paper THE AVIATION INDUSTRY The Aviation Industry and the Future Abstraction This paper looks at the Aviation industry. A description of how the air power industry includes fabrication, airdrome operation, care, and pilots. It looks at how the air power industry has a positive influence on other concern such as sightseeing/tour, hotels, and eating houses. Finally the paper looks at how the industry is making now and the projections for the hereafter. The air power industry is alive and good. The air power industry means different things to many people. Some people merely think of the pilots who fly commercial aeroplanes when they think of air power. Others include the airdromes and private planes. Unless you are involved in the air power industry, the many facets of air power are non readily thought of. Not merely does the air power industry involve fabrication of aircraft, airdrome operations, and aircraft care but it besides influences many industries associated with air hose travel. The travel and circuit concern along with the hotel and eating house concern prospers from air travel. All of these are making good now and the projection for the hereafter looks strong. Let s get down by looking at what makes up the air power industry. Aviation Industry A batch of people think that if you say you work in the air power industry that you are a pilot. A big per centum of the air hose industry is involved in the industry and care of aircraft, along with the occupations related to runing and keeping an airdrome. Fabrication of aircraft is large concern. Aircraft manufactures employ 1000s of people. Some major makers include companies such as McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Pratt-Whitney. These companies have contracts with major air hoses in both the United States and overseas. Boeing aircraft entirely at the terminal of 1997 had contractual backlog of 93.8 billion dollars for commercial aeroplane ( ) . Along with that is the contracts established with the Department of Defense to supply aircraft for the military. This includes the research that is involved in bring forthing superior aircraft for defence. Further more there are legion companies doing aeroplanes for the private and corporation usage. The edifice and operation of airdromes employ a immense figure of people. There were 1000s of people involved in the edifice of the Denver International Airport with over 22,000 people assigned as lasting employees. ( ) Employees at airdromes include places from air traffic accountants to housekeeping. There are employees of the airdrome itself along with all the employees working for the aircraft bearers that lease infinite at the airdrome installation. Airport employees consist of legion places runing from the Airport Manager to parking batch attenders. The aircraft bearers non merely employ the pilots but besides staff the ticket counters, luggage handling, and care crews for bend around of the aircraft. Care of the aircraft is a immense concern and is linked to or under the mills in some facets. Although each air hose has its ain care crews to keep the aircraft, they work closely with the maker for portion and proficient support. Aircraft undergo periodic care to guarantee the safety of the aeroplane. Their extended care plan eliminates a bulk of aircraft jobs but ascents and alterations are continually being done to the aircraft. The immense webs of care technicians are the anchor of the air power industry. Related Business There a legion occupations that are created by the air hose industry which are non involved in air power at all, but would non be without the air hose industry. These include occupations in sightseeing/tours, hotel, and eating houses. These are non all of the occupations created but include a big part. With the advantage of being able to wing into many, before non easy available, countries ; the sightseeing/tour concern has generated a batch of occupations. An illustration of this is Sivio Acosta who operates a rubber-necking concern in New York City. He started the concern 2 old ages ago and has had a thriving concern. He more than doubled his earning since he changed to this concern over his anterior assorted eating house occupations ( Christian, 1998 ) . Travel bureaus conduct a enormous concern using the air hoses as their beginning of travel. Some flight into topographic points like the Bahamas are chiefly due to go bureaus concern. Any major airdrome has legion hotels and motels within the immediate country. These hotels generate a batch of concern from air hose travellers. Not merely is this from the travellers passing the dark but besides from the supernumeraries that the hotel offers such as eating houses and salons for their clients. Business travellers besides use the adjustments provides of conference suites and feast installations. Business can carry on the meeting within close propinquity to where the traveller arrived. An illustration of this is the Denver International Airport, which averaged 95,806 riders per twenty-four hours in 1997 merely. To suit this big figure of riders there are 17 hotels listed as available in the immediate country. ( ) Multiple this by T he figure of big airdromes in the United States entirely and the sum of concern generated from the air hoses is enormous. Restaurants have sprung up non merely within the country of the airdrome but besides within the airdrome itself. This accommodates the traveller who does non hold clip to even go forth the airdrome in between flights. Due to the big volume of riders coming from the airdrome, eating houses have found it profitable to turn up their concern either in the airdrome or stopping point by. This is non merely for the riders but besides for the huge sum of airdrome employees. Future The occupation market for the air power industry is good and is looking good for the hereafter. Wages for the pilots are up and steady. The air hose industry is gaining along with the air hose fabrication companies. With more and more people using the air passages to carry on concern and to go, the hereafter of the air power industry will merely better. With the rate that air hose pilots are retiring, there looks to be a good market for future pilots. Presently about 1200 pilots a twelvemonth are retiring with the figure to increase to about 2500 per twelvemonth by the twelvemonth 2007. Not merely are more pilots retiring but the figure of pilots coming from the civilian sector is increasing besides. Two old ages ago, 75 % # 8211 ; 80 % of the pilots came from the military forces, while today that figure has about reversed with 66 % of the pilots coming from the civilian occupation market ( Benensen, 1998 ) . This is a encouragement to the private flying school because more pupils will prosecute this market. Aviation schools have increased registration in the last few old ages due to the increasing demand. The draw of more occupations available and the high rewards being paid ( $ 133,000 per twelvemonth norm ) will go on to convey more pilots into the occupation country ( Arlington, 1998 ) . The air hose industry has a whole is making good. Most air hose executives are optimistic that traffic will be strong and the bottom line will stay in the black for 1999 ( Henerson, 1999 ) . # 8220 ; Although traffic and gross growing will stagnate, the universe # 8217 ; s air hoses will bask net net incomes of $ 8 billion, the same as in 1998, as grosss rise 3 % to $ 309 billion. # 8221 ; ( Henderson, 1999 ) The addition in air power occupations in the LaGuardia and Kennedy airport country is even more apparent by the dual registration in the local College of Aeronautics ( Toy, 1998 ) . Even occupation hunt sites on the Internet have seen how the air power industry has a whole is on the uprise. Although ab initio designed to market pilots, they have expanded into cosmopolitan applications to turn to everything in the air power industry ( Flint, 1997 ) . Indications of the industry staying strong are apparent in the recent 10 twelvemonth, $ 2 billion contract that Lockheed Martin signed with NASA to use five of their sites ( Anonymous, 1999 ) . Fabrication of aircraft is looking strong for the hereafter. The air hoses are projected to buy between 11,000 and 12,000 new planes per twelvemonth for the following few old ages ( Benenson, 1998 ) . Boeing s market mentality is 17,000 aeroplane by the twelvemonth 2017 at a value of 1.2 trillion dollars ( ) . This will go on to maintain the air power industry turning. The fabrication companies will go on to use 1000s of forces and even be engaging more employees in the hereafter. With the addition demand for air travel, new and better aeroplanes will ever be in demand. The air power industry is alive and good and will go on to turn in the hereafter. We have looked at how the air power industry is truly made up of non merely the pilots but everyone involved with acquiring the plane off the land. This includes the fabrication of aircraft, operations of airdromes, and care of the aircraft. Not merely commercial air hoses but besides the private industry and military air power. We have seen that there are legion occupations created by the air hose industry which are non involved in air power at all, but would non be without the air hose industry. These include occupations in sightseeing/tours, hotel, and eating houses. These assorted concerns strive on the sum of riders that travel through an airdrome during the class of a twenty-four hours. These concerns account for a big part of the occupations created but surely do non cover all of the occupations created. We have besides looked at how the occupation market for the air power industry is good and is looking good for the hereafter. The hereafter for pilots looked strong for the hereafter along with future orders for new aircraft. The air hose industry, as a whole, is traveling strong and projections for the hereafter are positive. Mentions Christian, Nichole M. ( 1998, August 30 ) . An # 8216 ; Easy Job # 8217 ; On the Streets. New York Times Benenson, Tom. ( 1998, June ) . Airline Pilot Hiring. Flying Arlington ( 1998, August 31 ) . Jobs, Pay at Core of Pilots Strike. USA Today Henderson, Donna K. ( 1999, Jan. ) . Thinking Game: Forecast. Air Transport World Toy, Vivian S. ( 1998, May 27 ) . In Queens, the Borough of Airports, Interest in Aeronautics Careers Revives. New York Times Flint, Perry. ( 1997, Nov. ) . Cyberspace Pilots. Air Transport World Anonymous. ( 1999, Jan. ) . Private Companies Take Over ; NASA Centers in their Handss. National Defense hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 1999, February ] hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 1999, February ]